Instructions and Submission

The submission of articles must be done electronically, through a conference management system, which you can access in the "Submission" section. To submit the work, each author must prepare the submission according to the following documents:

Link to the template for articles.

The initial submission cannot contain any type of element that could in any way identify the author(s). This information will be included later, after acceptance of your article and only when uploading the revised and final version of the paper.

Submit your paper here.

Submission Categories:
Only complete and original works can be submitted for oral presentation. Complete articles must have between 6 and 8 pages (approximately 5000-7000 words, including figures, tables and bibliographical references) and must be formatted according to the congress model and cannot present more than 5 co-authors. The works must be presented orally at the congress so that the certificate of presence and presentation can be issued.